Notes on the use of the bonding machine
1. Bonding Process can happen only in dust free environment.
2. In COF bonding machine room you have to wear anti static gloves, cap, jacket and shoes. COF bonding machine room should be neat and clean every day.
3. COF bonding machine working environment temperature should be as room temperature.
4. COF bonding machine room size should be at least 10X20 Ft.
5. Panel Cleaning Table and COF removing table should be separated.
6. Flooring must be with antistatic mat.
7. Floor, working table & all electrical socket must have ground Earthing.
8. When testing the panel no part of a live circuit should be touched by the bare hand.
9. Be as neat a possible. Keep the work area and workbench clear of items not used in the experiment.
10. When disassembling a panel, first remove the source of power.
11. Keep fluids, chemicals, and beat away from COF bonding machine.
12. Surface should be balanced where the machine is installed.
13. Surface should be vibration free for better visibility of COF tracks on both displays.
14. At the time of COF cleaning only used suggested chemicals. (i.e. Acetone, Alcohol, ACF Remover
15. 450 G (Prefered)) At the time of bonding Head Teeth should be clean with IP and Sponge for proper bonding of
16. COF tracks.00 ACF Tape keep in Refrigerator and after used place in Refrigerator. ( 5 C to 8 C )
17.Dust free Envirnmentshould have for BondingProcess.