The function and cleaning of SM471 placement machine nozzles are crucial aspects in the operation of the machine. The SM471 placement machine nozzle is not only an important component for picking and placing components but also serves as the background for the camera of the optical vision system. Its main function is to use vacuum suction to pick up components and use air blowing to place them at the coordinates on the PCB. When the SM471 placement machine nozzle picks up components, it is essential to ensure that the centers of the component, the nozzle, and the acquired image spatial center overlap to achieve ideal conditions. The adjustment of the optical vision system compensates for any deviation caused by this non-overlap in actual operation.
Different components require different nozzles for picking and placing. Each nozzle typically includes a reflective background to provide a good background during image capture, ensuring precise highlighting of target information during image processing. When extracting images, the nozzle acts as a background, enhancing the contrast of the component’s image for clearer visibility.
For cleaning SM471 placement machine nozzles, the Silman Tech fully automatic nozzle cleaning machine C710 is commonly used. It only requires pure water and compressed air to thoroughly solve the technical problem of maintaining and preserving the suction rate and mounting rate of SMT placement machine nozzles, which accounts for 32% of their maintenance. By atomizing water to produce extremely fine water mist and generating powerful kinetic energy at supersonic speed (V=360m/s) to spray into the nozzles, a continuous energy field is generated above the nozzles being cleaned, crushing surface and internal dirt. Independent cleaning does not damage the nozzles. Using this device for regular maintenance cleaning of nozzles can achieve true cleaning effects under safe conditions. It significantly reduces the cost of nozzle damage caused by traditional cleaning methods, increases the lifespan of nozzles, and plays a crucial role in the maintenance of SM471 placement machines to ensure optimal operation.