The selection of SMT nozzles involves various factors, including material, shape, and size. Here’s a guide to help you make the right choice:
Material of Nozzles:
- Tungsten Steel Nozzles: Durable and long-lasting, but prone to whitening. Suitable for users who are not concerned about inconvenience. Whitening can be addressed by applying oil-based pen marks.
- Ceramic Nozzles: Never whiten but are brittle and prone to breakage. Careful handling can prevent or reduce breakage.
- Diamond Steel Nozzles: Strong, reliable, and never whiten, but expensive and not cost-effective.
- Rubber Nozzles: Suitable for uneven or sticky surfaces. However, they have a short lifespan. It’s recommended to purchase extra rubber nozzles for replacement when worn out.
Shape of Nozzles: Nozzle shapes include square holes, round holes, and V-grooves. Custom-made nozzles are often selected based on the shape of the components being picked. Extended nozzles may be used to reach into grooves or recesses, while zigzag-shaped nozzles may be used for components with irregular edges.
Size of Nozzles: Standard-sized components correspond to specific nozzle sizes. For example, for Samsung SM series, an 0805 component corresponds to a CN065 nozzle, and a 0603 component corresponds to a CN040 nozzle. For components with non-standard sizes or irregular shapes, custom-made nozzles may be required.
Regarding concerns about black material nozzles whitening over time, it’s important to note that the material itself is black and not surface-treated to prevent whitening. Any apparent whitening may be due to surface contamination, such as oil stains or solder residue. Simply cleaning the nozzle thoroughly should address this issue.