- ICT Wave Soldering Fixture: This fixture is used for in-line testing and testing fixtures. It is a standard testing equipment used to examine the performance, principles, and electrical connections of online components to check for defects in production and components. It is primarily used to check for open and short circuits in individual components and circuit networks. It features simple operation, fast speed, and accurate fault localization. ICT testing tools can perform both analog and digital functional tests, with high fault coverage, and are made with dedicated needle beds for each individual board, known as ICT testing fixtures.
- Functional Testing Fixture: This type of fixture is used for testing semi-finished or finished products or mechanical auxiliary devices in the production process to determine if the object meets the original designer’s purposes. Functional testing fixtures are suitable for analog, digital, memory, RF, and power circuits, with each mode corresponding to specific tasks.
- Aging Testing Fixture: These fixtures are used for fatigue testing of products or semi-finished products, conducting destructive tests to determine if the product’s service life meets the specified period.
- Wave Soldering Fixture: This is a new type of fixture designed for SMT processing of PCBs, suitable for various PCB boards with SMD components on the soldering surface of the plug-in material.
As for cleaning wave soldering fixtures, the general recommendation is to use the Silman Tech fully automatic fixture cleaning machine DEZ-C756. This equipment is used for cleaning various workpieces, such as wave soldering fixtures, reflow soldering trays, and condensers, removing flux residues, oil stains, dust, etc., from the surface of machine parts. The workpieces undergo high-pressure spray cleaning, high-pressure spray rinsing, high-pressure air cutting, and high-flow fan hot air drying, ensuring effective cleaning results.