Mit der rasanten Entwicklung der Industrie geht der Trend bei verschiedenen elektronischen Bauteilen in Richtung Miniaturisierung und Präzision. Das gilt auch für SMT-Düsen, die eine wichtige Rolle für die Qualität der Oberflächenmontage spielen. Mit der Zeit können diese Düsen durch Rückstände wie Flussmittel und Lötpaste verstopft werden, was ihre Leistung beeinträchtigt. Im Folgenden werden drei gängige Methoden zur...
- Manuelle Reinigung:
This outdated method involves manual labor using alcohol, a blowgun, and cleaning solution. However, it is inefficient and cannot clean the interior of the nozzle. Moreover, alcohol may damage the adhesive on the reflector plate if it seeps in.
- Ultrasonic Cleaning:
Ultrasonic cleaning is cost-effective and suitable for larger nozzles. However, it can cause damage to the surface’s critical black coating due to collisions between nozzles during the cleaning process. It is also ineffective for smaller nozzles, and the cleaning solution may lead to reflector plate detachment.
- High-Pressure Water Mist Cleaning:
Also known as automatische Düsenreinigungsmaschinen, this method is currently the most mainstream approach. It utilizes unique mechanical design and fluid dynamics to atomize water, generating high-pressure water mist that effectively removes dirt from the nozzle’s surface and interior without causing damage. The cleaning fluid (deionized or distilled water) is automatically discharged during the process. This method can clean impurities and dirt that are difficult to remove with ultrasonic cleaning and extends the lifespan of nozzles without damaging the surface coating or reflector plate.
Overall, high-pressure water mist cleaning is the most effective and efficient method for Reinigung von SMT-Düsen, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.