Generally, there are two types of cleaning methods for steel mesh:
- Conventional ultrasonic steel mesh cleaning machine.
- Fully pneumatic steel mesh cleaning machine.
Generally, the fully pneumatic máquina limpiadora de malla de acero is more commonly used in the market, as it offers better cleaning efficiency and time compared to limpieza ultrasónica. However, due to the relatively lower cost, some users still opt for ultrasonic cleaning machines. Today, let’s analyze the reasons why ultrasonic steel mesh cleaning machines may not clean thoroughly. The potential reasons are as follows:
- Incorrect selection of cleaning agent: For different items, the appropriate cleaning agent must be selected. For example, if the item needs degreasing, a degreasing agent must be used. If rust removal is required, a rust removal agent should be used. Before cleaning, it is essential to consult the manufacturer for suitable cleaning solutions.
- Incorrect setting of ultrasonic power: The ultrasonic power setting is crucial. If the cleaning intensity is insufficient, the cleaning will naturally be inadequate. Is higher ultrasonic power always better? In fact, the answer is no. The ultrasonic power for cleaning different items needs to be adjusted to an appropriate level.
- Items not fully immersed in the cleaning solution: The level of the cleaning solution in the tank also affects the cleaning effectiveness, and insufficient immersion can result in incomplete cleaning. It is recommended to immerse the items in the cleaning solution to at least two-thirds of the tank’s depth.
- Incorrect setting of cleaning temperature: The temperature setting also affects the effectiveness of ultrasonic cleaning. A heating rod can be installed inside the cleaning tank, and its power can be customized. Temperature has a significant impact on ultrasonic cleaning. Both excessively high and low temperatures are not suitable.
- Quality of the ultrasonic cleaning machine: The quality of the ultrasonic cleaning machine directly affects its cleaning effectiveness. Different brands of ultrasonic cleaning machines vary in price, material, and even technology. Higher-quality ultrasonic cleaning machines naturally provide better cleaning effectiveness.
Conclusion: There are many reasons why an ultrasonic steel mesh cleaning machine may not clean thoroughly, mainly focusing on the points mentioned above. To avoid incomplete cleaning of steel mesh, it is advisable to learn about the Silman Tech fully pneumatic steel mesh cleaning machine, a professional SMT cleaning equipment manufacturer.